13 June 2014
in Branded | Business | Personalised | Promotions | USB Flash Drives | USB Memory Sticks
Have you heard of web keys? Do you know what they are? If you run a business or have something to promote, then they really could be a game changer for you.

When your customers plug in one of your web keys, it will direct them to whatever web address you've loaded on there. You could run a contest, advertise a sale, or simply use them to direct people to your web site. They can link to any valid URL, so you could send customers to an otherwise hidden page on your site for exclusive deals or content
Web keys are a great alternative to a business card as you can have them emblazoned with your logo and send people directly to your web site, facebook page, or any other link of your choosing.
Web keys are small and light, making them ideal for posting out to clients or giving away at trade shows and exhibitions. It's a great way to stand out from the crowd of competition companies overwhelming your potential customers with business cards and flyers, and means you can present a whole lot more information with one tiny product.
So, what are you waiting for? Head over to our new Web Key section on our web site and get your business moving!
Tags: usb, flash drives, memory sticks, web keys, advertising, business, promotions, web links, facebook, web sites, competitions, contests
5 June 2014
in Personalised | stories | USB Flash Drives | USB Memory Sticks
Of all the things you'd expect to have confiscated at airport security, would you ever suspect your Memory Mate flash drives would be one of them? Well that's exactly what happened to Memory Mates customer DJ Adam Cobbsky when he was trying to get through Heathrow security. According to Heathrow's staff, they had to confiscate the casings due to the 'nature of their design'. Thankfully, Adam was able to keep hold of the USB drives themselves and do his gig in Rotterdam.

We felt for the poor guy, and so in return for his permission to do this little feature on him and his airport woes we offered to send him a new set of casings to replace the ones that were confiscated, complete with personalised engraving. Needless to say, he was delighted!
"Absolutely love my Memory Mate gun disks, they look awesome plugged into a pair of Pioneer CDJ2000's, and they've been super reliable. Just don't keep them in your hand luggage when travelling via Heathrow Airport!!"
SkullFuck3r / D4RK

If you would like your very own personalised flash drive or a set, then just get in touch and ask us about it. There is no minimum order quantity, and we offer great deals on larger volume orders. You can engrave any of our metal flash drives, and in the shop section of this web site you can easily spot them as they have a little "Engrave Me!" sign on them!
If you want your own engraved pistol, you check out the listing here.

Tags: guns, pistols, branded, flash drives, fun, memory mates, memory sticks, Personalised, USB flash drives, dj, airports
30 May 2014
in USB Flash Drives | USB Memory Sticks

If, like most people in the modern Western world, you are the owner of a smartphone, then we're about to make your life so much easier. One of the greatest things about smartphones is also one of it's biggest drawbacks; You can take hundreds of photos and videos and save all kinds of data, but often there is not enough storage on the device itself. Some phones and networks offer 'cloud' storage devices, but often you have to pay a monthly premium for it or be stuck with a very small amount of extra space that just isn't worth the effort.
The image below shows just how much storage capacity your smartphone has. It may look like a lot, but remember that this space is also be taken up with all the apps you install, not just the images and videos you take or music you download.

The fact of the matter is, a lot of us are very reliant on our smartphones, and without a solid means of backing up the important data we keep on them we could find ourselves somewhat stranded in the digital age if our phones should ever give up the ghost.
So, what can you do? Well, thankfully, we at Memory Mates have just the thing to solve this problem. They're called OTG (short for On The Go) Flash Drives and they work exactly the same way as a regular USB stick, except that they have the addition of a micro USB connector on the other side that enables you to plug it in to your smartphone. It can also be used with some tablets, which is a real bonus if you want to write that important document on the go and easily transfer it to your computer when you arrive. Given that almost every smartphone has a mini USB port (they are soon to be compulsory, in fact) and never enough storage, we believe that this is a sorely needed addition to the gadgeting world!

The best news of all is that they are available to buy from our web site right now.
Tags: flash drives, fun, gadgets, memory mates, memory sticks, modern life, smartphones, smart phones, technology, USB flash drives, usb, micro USB, storage space, capacity